A New Blog!

Jaclyn and I have decided to try out a family blog for both of us. For the past year we have had seperate blogs because we couldn't find anything we both liked, in terms of layout and features. After some exploring and manipulating HTML code, we have finally produced a "beta" version to see what other people think.
Please take a look in the next two weeks and let us know what you think!


(I'm still using my blog for the meantime, but if we get good feedback, I will switch over to the family blog!)

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Austin Crawls!

We have an AMAZING son! He is so strong and active. I got home from work today and Jaclyn starting telling me stories from her day. Then as we were about to eat dinner, Jaclyn says, "Oh yeah, Austin starting crawling today." I was shocked! He had started to reach out and "inch" forward, but hadn't made any kind of real progress yet, so today's news suprised me. If you take a look at the videos below, you can see he has his own style, but I think it is cute. He is my hero!


laska said...

yep...it's official. it looks like he is swimming. but he is the cutest carpet swimmer I know!

Anonymous said...

Chen Laoshi! Wo shi mu jiemei! We just called up Bro. Denison and asked about you...we tried to look you up but there's like a million David Kitchen's in this world. How are you? Congrats on your son! Sister Fife and Elder Eads say hello too! we're all back from our missions now! Weird huh? Let us know how you're doing! My email is dorie-doo@hotmail.com. Oh yah, I just got married like 2 weeks ago. Jia you!